Important people and property in municipal developments require excellent security. Our products will assure improved security standards.
Object protection - kerberos
KERBEROS 2D chassis scanner
KERBEROS 3D chassis scanner
KERBEROS MOBILE mobile 2D scanner
handy 2D scanner
vehicle recognition
NP identification
Personal protection – ORTHOS
ORTHOS PROTECTOR vehicle detection
ORTHOS TRACER vehicle tracking
ORTHOS GUARD people guarding
ORTHOS CONVOY people transport
If a foreign object appears on the undercarriage, the Kerberos 2D system will discover it within a few seconds and thoroughly document it. It is capable of capturing an image in full-colour and at a resolution of up to 1.3 PX/MM.
We developed the KERBEROS 3D system specifically so that it is capable of monitoring the undercarriages of vehicles while they are in operation. This unique protection system offers advanced analysis of 3D images. The automatic evaluation system records colour images at a resolution of up to 1.3 PX/MM.
The reliable KERBEROS MOBILE system promptly reveals undesirable items or other subsequent changes to a vehicle’s undercarriage. Its great mobility assures immediate security of entrances and inspection of vehicle undercarriages.
The KERBEROS HANDY system quickly and easily deals with difficult operating or inspection conditions. This effective undercarriage inspection system is used by the police and rescue services, but It is also suitable for security agencies.
The KERBEROS RECOGNIZER system is capable of reliably identifying a vehicle moving around a guarded property. It detects licence plates and creates a database of numbers, in which it is possible to differentiate the precise time and place the record was made.
We implement the ORTHOS PROTECTOR system in secured vehicles. The vehicle’s driver is subsequently provided with information about the vehicles behind him. It also warns of potentially suspicious activity.
The ORTHOS TRACER system enables remote observation of the position, speed and other statuses of a monitored vehicle. It also records images behind and in front of the vehicle.
ORTHOS guard
The mobile ORTHOS GUARD security system is specially designed to effectively protect important people wherever they currently are. It uses cameras and sensors to create its own enclosed security circuit in any environment.
ORTHOS convoy
The ORTHOS CONVOY system ensures that transportation of important persons in a convoy of moving vehicles takes place smoothly and safely. It is a combination of the PROTECTOR and TRACER systems, with the addition of elements ensuring coded transfer of evaluated data between individual vehicles and the operations station.
ANPR system
We protect people and critical infrastructure
We protect important persons
and properties in municipal developments
We are accustomed to even the most demanding of requirements. After twenty years of experience our products have been sufficiently tested so that they can be relied upon completely. Regular improvements by security experts means that our products are up-to-date and reliable at all times.
Our systems are adapted to the specific conditions of municipal developments and agglomerations. They enable rapid transfer of information, intuitive control and advanced analysis of ocurring situations.
Contact us
VOP CZ, s.p.
Dukelská 102,
742 42 Šenov u Nového Jičína
Czech Republic
T: +420 556 783 111
Object protection
KERBEROS MOBILE – mobile 2D scanner
KERBEROS HANDY – handy 2D scanner
KERBEROS RECOGNIZER – vehicle recognition
Copyright © 2015 VOP CZ s.p. Všechna práva vyhrazena.
Personal protection
ORTHOS PROTECTOR – vehicle detection
ORTHOS TRACER – vehicle tracking
ORTHOS GUARD – people guarding
ORTHOS CONVOY – people transport
Special application
mobile persons and vehicles inspecition
If a foreign object appears on the undercarriage, the Kerberos 2D system will discover it within a few seconds and thoroughly document it. It is capable of capturing an image in full-colour and at a resolution of up to 1.3 PX/MM.
We developed the KERBEROS 3D system specifically so that it is capable of monitoring the undercarriages of vehicles while they are in operation. This unique protection system offers advanced analysis of 3D images. The automatic evaluation system records colour images at a resolution of up to 1.3 PX/MM.
The reliable KERBEROS MOBILE system promptly reveals undesirable items or other subsequent changes to a vehicle’s undercarriage. Its great mobility assures immediate security of entrances and inspection of vehicle undercarriages.
The KERBEROS HANDY system quickly and easily deals with difficult operating or inspection conditions. This effective undercarriage inspection system is used by the police and rescue services, but It is also suitable for security agencies.
The KERBEROS RECOGNIZER system is capable of reliably identifying a vehicle moving around a guarded property. It detects licence plates and creates a database of numbers, in which it is possible to differentiate the precise time and place the record was made.
ANPR systém
We implement the ORTHOS PROTECTOR system in secured vehicles. The vehicle’s driver is subsequently provided with information about the vehicles behind him. It also warns of potentially suspicious activity.
The ORTHOS TRACER system enables remote observation of the position, speed and other statuses of a monitored vehicle. It also records images behind and in front of the vehicle.
The mobile ORTHOS GUARD security system is specially designed to effectively protect important people wherever they currently are. It uses cameras and sensors to create its own enclosed security circuit in any environment.
The ORTHOS CONVOY system ensures that transportation of important persons in a convoy of moving vehicles takes place smoothly and safely. It is a combination of the PROTECTOR and TRACER systems, with the addition of elements ensuring coded transfer of evaluated data between individual vehicles and the operations station.